The KX-TVA200 is a Voice Processing system that supports both Voice Mail and Auto Attendant services. The system can be installed using...
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Price: $449.00
Panasonic 4 Port DPT Interface Card. This item is for use with the KX-TVA200 only. It expands the port capacity of the system by 4 ports and has a...
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Price: $594.00
Key Features:
Mfr. Part #: KX-TVA296
Modem Card
Allows remote programming and administration
Capacity: 1 per...
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Price: $196.00
The KX-TVA50 is a Voice Processing system that supports both Voice Mail and Automatic Attendant Service. The system can be installed using DPITS,...
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Price: $751.00
The KX-TVA50 is a Voice Processing system that supports both Voice Mail and Automatic Attendant Service. The system can be installed using DPITS,...
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Price: $139.00
Key Features:
Panasonic's 2 port expansion module
Adds 2 ports to KXTVA50 voice mail system
Used only on digital DPITS...
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Price: $208.00
4 Hour Memory Expansion Card. For use with the KX-TVA50 only. Expands the storage capacity of the KX-TVA50 by 4 hours. Maximum of only one card...
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Price: $208.00
KX-TVS100 Voice Processing System is Configured for 4 Ports, 32 hours Voice Storage and is Expandable to 6 Ports Maximum.
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Price: $99.00
Two port interface circuit card, Provides for connection of two analog extension/lines (single line telephone extension or Loop Start CO) or one...
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Price: $29.00
Key Features:
4 ports- expandable to 6
Live Call Screening
Provides 32 hours of voice message storage
Supports up to...
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The Panasonic KX-TVS200 Voice Processing System is Configured for 4 Ports, 64 hours Voice Storage, 1024 Mailboxes (And is Expandable to 12 Ports...
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Price: $119.00
4 Port digital integration card for installation in the KX-TVS200 and KX-TVS300 only. * The KX-TVS204 allows 2 DPITS data pairs to be connected...
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Price: $29.00
The Panasonic KX-TVS325 Voice Processing System is Configured for 4 Ports, 128 hours Voice Storage, 1024 Mailboxes (And is Expandable to 24 Ports...
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Price: $399.00
The Panasonic KXTVS50 provides 2 ports and 32 mailboxes and 2 hours of voice message storage. Stores messages in non-volatile memory. Memory can...
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Price: $59.00
Key Features:
Mnfr. Part #: KX-TVS75
System is equipped for 2 ports, 64 mailboxes, and 6 hours of message storage.
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Price: $99.00